Monday 14 July 2014


There are many topics that can be done for this gaming project. Just thinking of ideas on what I might think of and or like.


- Virtual training system
     * having to build your own car and learning what parts are suitabe

     * Training for safety - service - maintenanceprocess (Understanding the background of the job)

     * How to be an envionmental friendly living human. ( Sustainability )

- Field of health care games
     * for patients to use, with chronic pain and patients with mental illness.
          (record the users movements - maybe having a braclet - to track the heart rate ect.
           Allow the user to know and see what there daily life is about - reconize there emotions, movements, anxiety ect )

     * Having a game where user play to look at a world where they play and look outs on other people emotions
       Trying to find and learn what other people are going through while doing our own virtual life.

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