Saturday 23 August 2014


We have produced a game for intermediate school children about the animals of the sea, in our case the green sea turtle.
We wanted to show that there are dangers along in life not only in humans but animals too. It links to the life cycle of any living creatures. 
The style we choose to do this is a nice flat design 2D approach with the calm pastel colour tone used. 
Sadly we only got level working, not fully completed to the standards that we had planned and wanted, but we hope the idea would show and let people know how it would work fully if it was done properly.
We have used a timer and the life bar so you can either use your 3 lives or run the full game and in theory move on to level two. Which would have moved you from the beach were he was hatched to the sea were he could grow up and find other sea friends.We have also linked the game to the World wildlife fund so they can find out more about the creatures and how they can get involved to help.


During the process of the game making. we had been challenged and endless research on what we did wrong with some script coding and methods to do out work in.

We had solved and got the turtle moving from left to right knowing it was small mistakes needed to be done. 

Having items (friends and dangers) to drop down in three lanes and understand that how to get it randomnize.

Linking the 
On the second level, we wanted to make it under the sea. where the turtle have safely dooged all the dangers on land to the sea where the adventure begins.

On this stage, we would not only have one perspective going, but also having a angle side perspective which changes during the game.

The dangers would increase and there is more friends to collect and meet.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Ending of L1 - Game Over & or WInning

If you lose the game, it would appear a "Game Over" section where you can go back and start over again to play.

If you win and passed Level 1, 2nd level would appear to tell you that you passed and that next level is there waiting for you.
On each level, there are small changes to it with dangers and friends/food to collect.

So that the idea of the instruction page would still appear there where you can see what changes was made.

Having problems - need to check names

2nd level drawing and ideas

Process with model

Having done and rendered the turtle to the game, we had oticed that even though the turtle is on its own layer, and that there is no background to it, flash still detects the art page that was created and worked on so that even though the turtle is in the middle and small ish, its got a massive boarder that interfears with our gaming.


Tuesday 12 August 2014

test screen shots mov

Turtle movements

now have the model done, I am just going to try out some movements for the game.

At the start of the game, it wont start right away as it will need time for the things to start coming down so we will have a mini clip ish where Bruce does his thing than the game starts playing.
(This links to the idea of the minon game when this was done so nice refeerence back to it)

Styles and images to keep us inspired

Planning the starting pages

So that we have a clearer idea when we do our work on the program, we work on paper and draw out all the ideas.

following page is our final idea of drawing to our page work at the beginning

Insperation style

Monday 11 August 2014

Drawings - Illustrations Charters

Friends Icon

Danger To avoid 

Drawings - Illustrations of background.

Journey on the first level layout

First starting layout

colour pallet

We are working with a nice warm pastel tone. Trying to make it simple and linking to the inspirations we had researched before.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Starting plan for beginning

since we are going with the story theme, we thought of having it starting from the start with an egg hatching. This will be our loading and starting bar towards our turtle game.


Saturday 2 August 2014

Texturing process - SHELL


A simple short (I hope) story starting line to get into the game


Green Turtles - from NG

Cartoon turtle research design

Since this project is aimed at a fun and playful way, we want to follow our simple easy to tell style where there shouldnt be to much texture going on.

Looking and researching at styles out there that have animals or even turtle base.

TV show -  franklin

A glowing feeling to it. Plastic....Simple colour of green and yellow. No detail used here
Screen shot of show on with emotion with another turtle/sibling

Feels like a computer base game. Platform base style
Colour option can change and give different mood and idea towards the animal


While browsing for turtle movie or cartoon apart from Finding Nemo, I saw this movie call "turtle Tale" which is all based on turtles.

This is the perfect idea to what we had in our planning with our starting.
Idea of moving out of hole (maybe in different perspective) to see the turtle is out of the hold and shell and are going to go to a journey to the sea

(A story telling way)


complet model